This introductory course–for Professional Engineers, non-licensed engineers, technicians, facilities managers, and other professionals who are interested in enhancing their understanding of arc flash risk in their operations or those of their clients–will provide a review and update on 2021 NFPA 70E-based arc flash standards and requirements. Discussion will begin with an introduction to the general arc flash phenomenon, including the science behind the arc flash phenomenon, potential causes for arc flash, and properties of an electrical power distribution system. Insofar as the relationship between an arc flash event and the electrical power distribution system is concerned, pertinent components such as fuses and breakers, and their role in initiation and mitigation of an arc will be explained. Value of arc flash risk analysis will be covered, and recommended approach in the absence of a formal arc flash study will be explained. Discussion will include PPE prescribed for the four arc flash hazard classes–1, 2, 3 and 4–will be discussed. The three approach boundaries will be discussed and illustrated. Arc flash terminology and respective definitions will be reviewed. Arc flash labelling requirements and methodology will be explained.
Who Should Attend
- Licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and other professionals who need to meet the license or certification renewal PDH (Professional Development Hour), CEH (Continuing Education Hour), or CEU (Continuing Education Unit) requirements
- Facility/plant managers, plant engineers, engineering managers, energy professionals, project managers, and manufacturing engineers who feel a need to learn about arc flash and the NFPA 70E requirements in order to make informed decisions related to electrical work, switching and operation of electrical switchgear
- Technicians or electricians responsible for performing energized work and switching of electrical power distribution equipment
- Construction managers who manage electrical power equipment installations
- Other professionals whose annual PLP, performance and learning program, includes electrical courses, training, or seminars
Attend and You Will Receive
- 8 PDHs/0.8 CEUs (7.5 PDH’s for NYS Lic.)
- Reference notebook with activities
- Networking break and luncheon
- Certification of completion from NC State University
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