OLLI in the Community
Several times a year OLLI members volunteer, as a group, with organizations in the local area – an opportunity to do good work while getting to know other OLLI members. We regularly volunteer with Note in the Pocket and Food Bank of Eastern and Central North Carolina and participate in Activate Good’s 9/11 Day of Service. This event features multiple volunteer opportunities across the triangle area on September 11.
In spring of 2018 and 2019 an OLLI team entered Note in the Pocket’s 5K race to help raise funds for the organization. For some it was their first ever 5K which just goes to show it is never too late to try something new! The Volunteer Coordinator (a member volunteer) works to schedule at least one opportunity each month during term time and we are always on the lookout for new opportunities to help out in our local community. Watch for emails throughout the year to let you know about volunteer opportunities as they arise.