Make a Donation
Your support allows us to keep our fees low and OLLI accessible to the greatest number of area adults. OLLI at NC State receives no state-appropriated support, and more than 80% of our annual budget is based on the membership and program fees that members pay.
If you prefer to mail your tax-deductible contribution, please fill out this form and mail to:
NC State Foundation Inc. – OLLI Annual Giving
Office of Alumni & Donor Records
NC State Campus Box 7474
Raleigh, NC 27695-7474
Donors are recognized at these levels of giving:
Benefactor: $2,500 and above
Partner: $1,000-$2,499
Sponsor: $500-$999
Patron: $250-$499
Donor: $100-$249
Friend: up to $99
Broker information:
Click Here for instructions for making gifts of securities directed to OLLI Annual Giving.
Click Here for instructions for making gifts of securities directed to the Korte/Kirsch Endowment Fund.
If you would like to review other giving options — such as a gift of appreciated stock, an IRA rollover, or a bequest – basic information about how to proceed and how to make sure the gift benefits OLLI can be found Here. You can also call NC State’s Gift Planning office at 919.515.5106. Tell the Gift Planning staff that you would like your gift to benefit the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at NC State.