Continuing Education Units
Is This Your First CEU Program?
If this is your first CEU program, please email ceuaccountinfo@ncsu.edu.
You can also send an inquiry to:
Campus CEU Coordinator
NC State Continuing and Lifelong Education
Office of Professional Development
NC State University
Campus Box 7401
Raleigh, NC 27695-7401
All CEU information for your program is now processed through REPORTER, which is NC State’s reporting system. This information becomes a part of every participant’s permanent record in REPORTER and is available by request on an official NC State transcript for a fee of $12. https://reporter.ncsu.edu/link/RequestTranscript/
Billing Procedures
You will be billed $20 per participant for your CEU program through REPORTER. Rosters are due within 10 business days of the completion of the course. If there are circumstances that do not allow you to submit a roster within that time period, please contact ceuaccountinfo@ncsu.edu to discuss. If we do not hear from you, CEUs will not be awarded to the participants. If your course does not take place, please cancel the instance in REPORTER.
Program Criteria for Awarding the CEU
CEUs will be awarded to courses which are planned and organized to provide systematic instruction and sponsored by an NC State academic or administrative unit that is qualified to assess the quality of the program content and qualification of the instructor/presenters. There must be documented evidence of the following criteria.
Needs Identification
The non-credit activity must be planned in response to identified needs of a target population by NC State faculty or staff having content expertise. Non-NC State entities also require an acting NC State faculty or staff member to act as a content specialist to approve their curriculum.
Learning Outcomes
The sponsor of the program must provide clear statements of educational objectives in terms of learning outcomes, i.e., new knowledge, skills, attitudes or performance objectives to be realized as a result of the program. Performance objectives generally refer to specific outputs of learner efforts, such as being able to install boards and chips into a computer.
Content and Methodology
Program content should be logically organized and the format, duration and instructional information presented in a systematic way consistent with the learning outcomes.
Instructors must be competent in the program subject matter by virtue of their education or training, professional experience or demonstrated knowledge and they must know the purpose and the intended learning outcomes of the CEU program.
Requirements for Satisfactory Completion
There must be provision for registration of individual participants, procedures for awarding CEUs to individual participants and attendance and competency requirements for satisfactory completion of the program must be established and announced prior to offering the program.
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Assessment procedures will depend on the intended learning outcomes and must be established as part of the planning process.
Program Evaluation
Evaluation criteria must be established prior to the start of the program and should measure all aspects of the program including the administration and operation of the continuing education experience as a whole.
Facilities and Learning Support
The program sponsor should ensure that appropriate learning space, reference materials and equipment are consistent with the purpose of each learning experience.
NC State Faculty/ Extension Content Specialist(s)
Individuals having activity content expertise who have reviewed and documented the program content as being acceptable by the university, are considered to be content specialists. Contact the Office of Professional Development at ceuinfoaccount@ncsu.edu, if you need assistance or a referral to the appropriate NC State faculty or specialist.
Awarding the CEU
NC State University is the sponsoring organization that awards CEUs, assumes administrative responsibility for ensuring that continuing education experiences meet the criteria for awarding CEUs, and maintains a permanent record system.
One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is awarded for each ten (10) contact hours of instruction included in a specified continuing education program or activity.
The number of contact hours of instruction and appropriate CEUs to be awarded are determined prior to conducting a learning experience and only after the purpose and intended learning outcomes, requirements for satisfactory completion, content and content level, format, instructional methodology, instructional staff and time schedule have been established. A decision to award the CEU cannot be made after the program or activity has been offered.
Only the number of completed instructional hours is considered in assigning CEUs. For example, 1.7 CEUs are assigned for a learning experience with a total of 17, 17.50, or 17.75 contact hours. Any fractional portion of an instructional hour calculated for the total program is disregarded.
To determine the number of contact hours, count the hours in the program and subtract refreshment breaks, lunches and other activities not directly part of the instructional experience.
Calculations of contact hours involved in a continuing education experience may include the following elements: classroom or meeting session time with direct participation between the learner and instructor or discussion leader, activities that use methods of instruction such as supervised independent study, directed reading or project-based assignments, field trips (minus travel and other administrative time) and other experiential course activities but only on a basis of at least two experiential hours required for each contact hour of instruction.
Activities for which CEUs may not be awarded
Committee meetings or other business activities; policy assignments; conferences; delegate assemblies; or similar meetings for policy-making purposes; attendance at entertainment or recreational lecture series; cultural performances; and social activities; work experience; on-the-job training or apprenticeships, unless structured as part of a planned educational experience that fulfills these program criteria; study; assigned readings; reports; written assignments; and other related activities outside of the class or meeting schedule
CEU Approval Form Procedures
Note: Appendices and form web pages open as new windows, which may be closed after reading and/or printing, so as not to overload your computer’s memory.
Initial Contact
Please complete the CEU Approval Form along with the other required documents (below), which can be uploaded into REPORTER, or can be completed individually in REPORTER.
The CEU Approval Form is due at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled date of the activity. This information must be approved by an affiliated NC State content specialist. The procedures below are a guide for completing the application form, and all required forms can be found below. These forms can be completed and uploaded into REPORTER and are also in REPORTER and can be completed there.
Request for Approval to Award CEU Credit Application
1. Course number is assigned by the client requesting CEUs.
2. The activity title must be as descriptive as possible.
3. Number of Days of Activity – total number of days of the activity.
4. Number of Instructional Hours means number of contact hours. You will provide a detailed course agenda for each day of the program.
5. The number of CEUs to be offered will be calculated in REPORTER. This is determined by dividing the number of course content hours by 10.
6. Needs assessment for the target audience should be identified by a planning committee, a study, or the appropriate technical professional. It is not necessary for every activity conducted during the CEU program to have a separate needs assessment, but the rationale and planning for each activity should be the result of needs that have been identified by some assessment method.
7. NC State Faculty/ Extension Content Specialist(s) are individuals having activity content expertise who have reviewed and documented the program content as being acceptable by the University. Contact the office of the Vice Provost, 919.513.2625 or via email at ceuinfoaccount@ncsu.edu, if you need assistance or a referral to the appropriate NC State faculty or specialist.
8. Program Sponsor means the name of the organization or NC State University unit that is offering the course or program.
9. Who should attend? Identify the target audience by groups.
10. The name of the primary instructor should appear on the form.* Include a list of additional instructors and vitae for all instructors or presenters.
11. Program Chair is the name of the program chair/coordinator who is responsible for the administrative and logistical aspects of the program.
12. Evaluation/assessment procedures refers to the measurement of the quality of the activity as a whole, and assessment refers to the measurement of individual learning outcomes. Every activity must identify the means by which it will be evaluated. Assessment procedures are optional but preferred. Identify the test when the activity includes some kind of testing technique. Include a blank copy of your evaluation with your application.
13. Industry Served Code (pick list) – choose the industry most served. (See Appendix E)
14. Impact Code (pick list) – choose the category that best identifies the impact objectives of the activity. (See Appendix D)
15. College/division – fill in the college/division of the program if applicable.
16. Record the learning outcomes (i.e., behavioral or performance objectives such as skills, knowledge and/or attitudes the learner should be able to demonstrate during or following the learning experience).
17. Activity description should describe each topic being offered. Please do not put “see attached” on the approval form, you must provide language describing activity. However, the program and/or instructional outline can be attached.
18. Activity Site: City, State and Country.
19. Start date of Activity. Give the starting date of the program.
*Information recorded on the Approval Form will be entered into REPORTER
Registration List
CEU requests must be submitted and approved before registration can begin in REPORTER. Late registrations cannot be processed and CEUs cannot retroactively be awarded after the course has been approved in REPORTER. Individual participants cannot select whether or not they will receive CEUs; satisfactory completion of the stated criteria as developed and evaluated by the instructor/sponsor is the sole factor. All participants satisfactorily meeting the program criteria should be on the roster.
Submit a roster in REPORTER of participants who have completed the course. All rosters must be submitted for processing within 10 days after program completion with all of the required registrant information.
Requests for transcript must be requested at the following link.
The cost for a transcript is $12.
CEU Transcript Refund/Cancellation Policy – REPORTER
Please be advised that if a CEU transcript request is made and it is determined that the requestor has not earned CEUs, a full refund will be given to the requestor.